Monday, March 2, 2015

26 week Bump Date with twins!

26 Week Bump Date
Baby, fetus at 26 weeks - BabyCenter
Just imagine another little girl in their too! :)
My age: 29
How far along: 26 weeks
How big is baby: 14 inches long and at least 2lbs each
Weight Gain: Up 24-25 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight of 135. I feel like babies and I had a growth spirt this week after I lost a couple of pounds last week.
Exercise/Activity Level: Barry and I hit the Healthplex Monday-Wednesday this week. I pushed it a little too hard on Monday and my back felt it Tuesday. Tuesday and Wednesday I stuck to the pool to swim and stretch out my lower back/legs. Thursday I took to rest as I was exhausted and struggled just to get through the day.  I can tell I'm a lot weaker in my upper body than when I got pregnant, but trying not to worry about it knowing I will have two little bodies to hold soon that will strengthen my arms right back up!
Maternity clothes: The bottom part of my belly sticks out if I try and wear any of my regular t-shirts. I've been stealing Barry's to sleep in :) Maternity clothes is the way to go!
Stretch marks: I think I have a new friend that popped up this week. I'm not thrilled about this, but trying to focus on how my amazing it is that my body is growing two babies and is most likely never going to look the same as it did pre-pregnancy.
Belly button: Outie/flat
Sleep: I fall asleep pretty quickly and wake up 3-5 times a night to change positions. It's quite challenging to move from side to side. There's lots of moaning/groaning and pain in my hips/groin. The pregnancy pillow I use is becoming necessary to support my belly and lower back.
Best moment of the week: Having one of the members of my gym call me, "Tiny" was a nice change from the "how are you going to get any bigger?!" or "how much longer do you have?!" followed by "Good Luck!" comments :) Another amazing moment was while relaxing on Saturday night catching up on the newest season of House of Cards with my hubby, the girls were SUPER active! We could watch them move just by looking at my stomach and they were pushing back when we would push at them! I could just feel them move all day long and never get sick of it.
Food cravings: My donut craving is seriously out of control! I took the long way home on Wednesday to swing by Dunkin Donuts and pick up a couple of donuts and ate them immediately--I NEVER used to eat donuts! I'm trying to not be too hard on myself as I'm eating fairly healthy most days and continue to track my nutrition on
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: The end of this week was the start of a lot more pain in my hips/pelvic bone. I tried wearing a support belt a couple of days, but I'm not sure it's helping. I'm hoping it will get better because two more months of this pain will be a challenge- especially at work.
Movement: They kicked and played all day and night Monday and then I felt NOTHING on Tuesday which naturally freaked me out completely. By Wednesday morning, I felt a couple of kicks which let me relax again knowing they were okay. I think they were just exhausted from their dance party! I feel most of the movement on my right side still around my belly button, but have recently been feeling it higher and on the sides too :)
Gender: Girls
Labor Signs? None
What I'm looking forward to:  Our ultrasound on Monday, March 2nd! I'm excited for my Mom and Dad to come for the first time to see the girls in 3D. I can't wait to see how much they have grown. I'm also excited to take a tour of the hospital on Monday.
What I’m nervous about: Not much- I just pray and thank God everyday that I was chosen to carry these girls and look forward to being their Mommy. Every week that I am still pregnant with two healthy babies is a blessing and miracle.
What I miss: Being able to easily sit down or get up, red wine, and easily seeing my toes.
Next appointment: Monday, March 2nd at 3pm I see my OB for my now weekly appointment. We then head across the hall for an ultrasound at 3:20pm and finish with a hospital tour at 4:30pm! Busy Busy!

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