Wednesday, March 25, 2015

29 week bumpdate with twins!

29 Week Bump Date

My age: 29
How far along: 29 weeks
How big is baby: We have an ultrasound next Monday, but I'm guessing the girls are both about 3+lbs.
Weight Gain: My weight gain was pretty steady again this week- gaining 1lb since last week.
Exercise/Activity Level: This week I taught a couple Quick Fit classes- a lower intensity, 10 minute class that combines upper and lower body exercises. I only use 3 lb weights, but at least feel like I'm doing something for my muscles. I was able to get to the pool twice this week to swim, float, and feel weightless. I always feel so much better if I can get in the pool a couple times a week.
Maternity clothes:  All my weekend/dressy clothes are all maternity. My shirts I bought just a couple weeks ago are already getting to small with my belly hanging out of the bottom! :(
Stretch marks: Still none on my belly, but it has been super itchy this week. I think they are just around the corner, but who knows!
Belly button: Flat/Outie.
Sleep: Getting in and out of the bed is becoming quite a challenge. My hips really start to ache once I have been laying for awhile and it's super painful to move from side to side during the middle of the night. I wake up a couple of times a night due to the pain and have to move (slowly and painfully) to the other side. I'm also taking up more and more room in the bed with my expanding belly, pregnancy pillow, and extra pillow for my back not leaving much room for my poor hubby!
Best moment of the week: We had our second baby shower on Sunday. (technically the first day of Week 30) I was blown away by all my friends and family who showed up and spent time with us celebrating our girls. We had a wonderful afternoon at Dawson's Too and came home with a van full of goodies for the girls. We were able to spend more time with family that evening as well.
Food cravings: Sweets are still my go to! I haven't had the donut craving quite as bad as I did a couple of weeks ago, but ice cream, milkshakes, and frozen yogurt are my guilty pleasures. I try and only get this treat a couple times a week and stick to fruit throughout the week.
My Saturday night treat- A chocolate shake from Hardee's!

Food aversions: None
  • Pubic bone pain: this pain is quite constant and not super fun. I have a feeling it won't go away until these little girls arrive in the next 6-8 weeks.
  • Round ligament pain in the hips: getting worse! Hurts the most in the mornings right when I wake up and in the evenings after working all day.
  • Slight lower back pain: only if I am on my feet too long. I feel pretty lucky in this regard that my back has been relatively pain free- especially with this huge belly I'm carrying around these days!
Movement: The girls were kinda slow moving this week compared to the past couple of weeks of dancing and kicking. This week I felt a lot more movement super low which I think is where Baby A's hands are located. If I sit down after being active for awhile, I can just watch my stomach and the kicks and movements are noticable from the outside. I love feeling them move and constantly have my hand on my stomach :)
Gender: Girls
Labor Signs? No Braxton Hicks or contractions this week. I'm not showing any signs of labor which is great- we want our girls as healthy as can be and the longer they are in, the better!
What I'm looking forward to:  Our ultrasound on Monday, March 30th. I'm excited to see how big the girls are now, what position they are in, and hopefully a glimpse at their cute little faces!
What I’m nervous about: I'm a little nervous about getting everything "done" before they arrive. I know we don't have to have the nursery completed and everything exactly where we think it should go, but it would make me feel better going into labor knowing this is done. I'm getting more nervous about delivery with all the unknowns.
What I miss: My flat stomach, walking without waddling, and being able to eat a full meal without feeling full half way through.
Next appointment: Monday, March 30th- regular OB appt at 3pm and an ultrasound at 3:20pm!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

28 week bumpdate with twins!

28 Week Bump Date
My age: 29
How far along: 28 weeks
How big is baby: Each baby is at least 2.5 lbs a piece, if not more!
Weight Gain: Weight went down from last week-  up 26 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight of 135 pounds which is right on track for twins.
Exercise/Activity Level: Zero gym days this week :( The hip/groin pain was pretty intense on Monday and Tuesday, but I started to feel really good towards the end of the week. The weather warmed up so I felt like I was outside and moving more than I have been in the cold winter months.  
Maternity clothes:  Workout pants still fit from pre-pregnancy, but that's about it! All other shirts, jackets, and jeans are maternity. My mom has spoiled me now twice with shopping sprees to Target and Old Navy to get new spring attire for my expanding waistline.
Stretch marks: Still none on my stomach/hips... I'm continuing my lotion/baby oil routine 2-3 times a day.  I still think it's a matter of time before they show up, but we shall see!
Belly button: Flat/Outie.
Sleep: I'm still sleeping very well for being this far along in my pregnancy. I moan and grown when I have to move from side to side in the middle of the night, but fall right back to sleep. I think that bathroom breaks during the middle of the night might be making a reappearance. I have been lucky enough to avoid them during the second trimester, but I think the babies are giving my bladder very little space these days!
Best moment of the week: I had my first baby shower this weekend in Greensburg, IN with Barry's family and friends. It was decorated so cute (thanks to my sister-in-law, Kathy)! It was such a blessing to be able to share in the excitement of our girls with so many people who love us. During our infertility journey, I thought I would never get to experience things like a baby shower and now it's happening. I'm so blessed!
Food cravings: Sweets are still my favorite at the moment. I was craving Yogulatte after our first hint of warm weather, but resisted all week until Friday. After work I drove straight there and devoured it. It was worth every calorie :)
Food aversions: None
  • Pubic bone pain
  • Round ligament pain in the hips
  • Slight lower back pain
    Movement: Lots of kicks and dancing! It was fun to have my niece Lauren feel the babies kick on Saturday. She watched them move around through my shirt and couldn't believe how weird it is to feel their little arms/legs kick in my belly.
    Gender: Girls
    Labor Signs? I had a couple of painful Braxton Hicks contractions on Tuesday AM which led me to take the day off and just rest. My belly was tight all day which isn't normal for me. It went away by Tuesday night and the rest of the week I felt pretty good.
    What I'm looking forward to:  My second baby shower with my side of the family/friends on Sunday, March 22nd and seeing the babies on March 30th at our next ultrasound!
    What I’m nervous about:  I would say Barry is more nervous about this than me, but it would probably be getting everything done before the girls make their appearance. With not knowing when they may arrive, we don't know if we have 1 week or 9 to complete all that is on our to-do list.
    What I miss: A glass of wine, my workouts, and being able to sleep comfortably.
    Next appointment: I'm back to weekly appointments so I will be seeing my OB every Monday at 3:30pm until these girls arrive in May :)

    Wednesday, March 11, 2015

    27 week bump date with twins!

    27 Week Bump Date

    My age: 29
    How far along: 27 weeks
    How big is baby: On Monday, Baby A was 2.3 pounds and Baby B was 2.5 pounds. They are about 14-15 inches long
    Weight Gain: Up 26 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight of 135 pounds.
    Exercise/Activity Level:  This week begins are busy month of March while means less time for the gym. I'm still not supposed to be exercising much minus walking/swimming/stretching. Barry and I went to the gym on Wednesday and I swam for 15 minutes or so which definitely helps my back.
    Maternity clothes:  I can still get away with wearing some of my regular yoga/workout pants to work as long as they sit below the belly. All my shirts now are too small and my belly hangs out of the bottom.
    Stretch marks: None on my stomach/hips... for now! I'm applying lotion 2-3 times a day as I know my stomach is being stretched to the max.
    Belly button: Flat/Outie.
    Sleep: I'm more and more uncomfortable at night. My hips are beginning to ache and I still have a sharp pain in my pubic bone when I try and move from side to side. The doctor said my body is starting to loosen the joints to prepare for childbirth so this fun will continue for the next 2.5 months :) I only wake up a couple of times a night to reposition my growing belly and try and get comfortable.
    Best moment of the week: Seeing the girls at our ultrasound appointment on Monday with Barry and my parents by my side. We were finally able to get a good look at Baby A which hasn't happened in over a month. Baby B was the shy one this time, but did show us she's growing quite the hair! Following our ultrasound was our hospital visit. It was surreal to see where we will become a family of 4! Everything is starting to become more real.
    Food cravings: My appetite seems to be increased this week. I haven't wanted the food I have brought from home and am wanting to eat a lot more this week than previous weeks. I assume that means we are up for another growth spirt!
    Food aversions: None
    • Pubic bone pain
    • Round ligament pain in the hips
    Movement: Lots of kicks and dancing
    Gender: Girls
    Labor Signs? I have had a couple of Braxton Hicks contractions this week. They haven't been painful though- which is good!
    What I'm looking forward to:  I'm looking forward to our baby classes next week and baby shower!
    What I’m nervous about:  I'm a little nervous about the baby class, specifically watching a birth.
    What I miss: Being able to move around easily, my workouts, and sleeping pain-free!
    Next appointment: I'm back to weekly appointments so I will be seeing my OB every Monday at 3:30pm until these girls arrive in May :)

    Monday, March 2, 2015

    26 week Bump Date with twins!

    26 Week Bump Date
    Baby, fetus at 26 weeks - BabyCenter
    Just imagine another little girl in their too! :)
    My age: 29
    How far along: 26 weeks
    How big is baby: 14 inches long and at least 2lbs each
    Weight Gain: Up 24-25 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight of 135. I feel like babies and I had a growth spirt this week after I lost a couple of pounds last week.
    Exercise/Activity Level: Barry and I hit the Healthplex Monday-Wednesday this week. I pushed it a little too hard on Monday and my back felt it Tuesday. Tuesday and Wednesday I stuck to the pool to swim and stretch out my lower back/legs. Thursday I took to rest as I was exhausted and struggled just to get through the day.  I can tell I'm a lot weaker in my upper body than when I got pregnant, but trying not to worry about it knowing I will have two little bodies to hold soon that will strengthen my arms right back up!
    Maternity clothes: The bottom part of my belly sticks out if I try and wear any of my regular t-shirts. I've been stealing Barry's to sleep in :) Maternity clothes is the way to go!
    Stretch marks: I think I have a new friend that popped up this week. I'm not thrilled about this, but trying to focus on how my amazing it is that my body is growing two babies and is most likely never going to look the same as it did pre-pregnancy.
    Belly button: Outie/flat
    Sleep: I fall asleep pretty quickly and wake up 3-5 times a night to change positions. It's quite challenging to move from side to side. There's lots of moaning/groaning and pain in my hips/groin. The pregnancy pillow I use is becoming necessary to support my belly and lower back.
    Best moment of the week: Having one of the members of my gym call me, "Tiny" was a nice change from the "how are you going to get any bigger?!" or "how much longer do you have?!" followed by "Good Luck!" comments :) Another amazing moment was while relaxing on Saturday night catching up on the newest season of House of Cards with my hubby, the girls were SUPER active! We could watch them move just by looking at my stomach and they were pushing back when we would push at them! I could just feel them move all day long and never get sick of it.
    Food cravings: My donut craving is seriously out of control! I took the long way home on Wednesday to swing by Dunkin Donuts and pick up a couple of donuts and ate them immediately--I NEVER used to eat donuts! I'm trying to not be too hard on myself as I'm eating fairly healthy most days and continue to track my nutrition on
    Food aversions: None
    Symptoms: The end of this week was the start of a lot more pain in my hips/pelvic bone. I tried wearing a support belt a couple of days, but I'm not sure it's helping. I'm hoping it will get better because two more months of this pain will be a challenge- especially at work.
    Movement: They kicked and played all day and night Monday and then I felt NOTHING on Tuesday which naturally freaked me out completely. By Wednesday morning, I felt a couple of kicks which let me relax again knowing they were okay. I think they were just exhausted from their dance party! I feel most of the movement on my right side still around my belly button, but have recently been feeling it higher and on the sides too :)
    Gender: Girls
    Labor Signs? None
    What I'm looking forward to:  Our ultrasound on Monday, March 2nd! I'm excited for my Mom and Dad to come for the first time to see the girls in 3D. I can't wait to see how much they have grown. I'm also excited to take a tour of the hospital on Monday.
    What I’m nervous about: Not much- I just pray and thank God everyday that I was chosen to carry these girls and look forward to being their Mommy. Every week that I am still pregnant with two healthy babies is a blessing and miracle.
    What I miss: Being able to easily sit down or get up, red wine, and easily seeing my toes.
    Next appointment: Monday, March 2nd at 3pm I see my OB for my now weekly appointment. We then head across the hall for an ultrasound at 3:20pm and finish with a hospital tour at 4:30pm! Busy Busy!