Wednesday, March 25, 2015

29 week bumpdate with twins!

29 Week Bump Date

My age: 29
How far along: 29 weeks
How big is baby: We have an ultrasound next Monday, but I'm guessing the girls are both about 3+lbs.
Weight Gain: My weight gain was pretty steady again this week- gaining 1lb since last week.
Exercise/Activity Level: This week I taught a couple Quick Fit classes- a lower intensity, 10 minute class that combines upper and lower body exercises. I only use 3 lb weights, but at least feel like I'm doing something for my muscles. I was able to get to the pool twice this week to swim, float, and feel weightless. I always feel so much better if I can get in the pool a couple times a week.
Maternity clothes:  All my weekend/dressy clothes are all maternity. My shirts I bought just a couple weeks ago are already getting to small with my belly hanging out of the bottom! :(
Stretch marks: Still none on my belly, but it has been super itchy this week. I think they are just around the corner, but who knows!
Belly button: Flat/Outie.
Sleep: Getting in and out of the bed is becoming quite a challenge. My hips really start to ache once I have been laying for awhile and it's super painful to move from side to side during the middle of the night. I wake up a couple of times a night due to the pain and have to move (slowly and painfully) to the other side. I'm also taking up more and more room in the bed with my expanding belly, pregnancy pillow, and extra pillow for my back not leaving much room for my poor hubby!
Best moment of the week: We had our second baby shower on Sunday. (technically the first day of Week 30) I was blown away by all my friends and family who showed up and spent time with us celebrating our girls. We had a wonderful afternoon at Dawson's Too and came home with a van full of goodies for the girls. We were able to spend more time with family that evening as well.
Food cravings: Sweets are still my go to! I haven't had the donut craving quite as bad as I did a couple of weeks ago, but ice cream, milkshakes, and frozen yogurt are my guilty pleasures. I try and only get this treat a couple times a week and stick to fruit throughout the week.
My Saturday night treat- A chocolate shake from Hardee's!

Food aversions: None
  • Pubic bone pain: this pain is quite constant and not super fun. I have a feeling it won't go away until these little girls arrive in the next 6-8 weeks.
  • Round ligament pain in the hips: getting worse! Hurts the most in the mornings right when I wake up and in the evenings after working all day.
  • Slight lower back pain: only if I am on my feet too long. I feel pretty lucky in this regard that my back has been relatively pain free- especially with this huge belly I'm carrying around these days!
Movement: The girls were kinda slow moving this week compared to the past couple of weeks of dancing and kicking. This week I felt a lot more movement super low which I think is where Baby A's hands are located. If I sit down after being active for awhile, I can just watch my stomach and the kicks and movements are noticable from the outside. I love feeling them move and constantly have my hand on my stomach :)
Gender: Girls
Labor Signs? No Braxton Hicks or contractions this week. I'm not showing any signs of labor which is great- we want our girls as healthy as can be and the longer they are in, the better!
What I'm looking forward to:  Our ultrasound on Monday, March 30th. I'm excited to see how big the girls are now, what position they are in, and hopefully a glimpse at their cute little faces!
What I’m nervous about: I'm a little nervous about getting everything "done" before they arrive. I know we don't have to have the nursery completed and everything exactly where we think it should go, but it would make me feel better going into labor knowing this is done. I'm getting more nervous about delivery with all the unknowns.
What I miss: My flat stomach, walking without waddling, and being able to eat a full meal without feeling full half way through.
Next appointment: Monday, March 30th- regular OB appt at 3pm and an ultrasound at 3:20pm!

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