Thursday, May 5, 2016

13 Week Update with Baby #3!

 13 Week Bump Date with Baby #3

My age: 30
How far along: 13 weeks
How big is baby: Size of a peach

Weight Gain: 2 lbs. I started the pregnancy back at my pre-pregnancy weight of 135. I feel huge so I'm not sure how I've only gained 2 pounds.

Exercise/Activity Level:  My exercise routine has been pretty good overall during my first trimester. I was actively trying to tone up/lose the last of my baby fluff when I found out I was pregnant, so that put a big halt to that! In the past couple of weeks I got back into Body Pump and my goal is to get there 2-3x's a week with 2-3 cardio workouts in-between.  My cardio workouts have consisted of intervals on the elliptical and treadmill. I have been jogging slowly on the treadmill (5.0-5.5 mph) for 1 min on, 1 min walking for 1 mile. If I can continue this during most of my second trimester I will be happy :)
Maternity clothes:  I'm happily wearing maternity clothes because they are so comfy! I can still wear my regular jeans and shorts, but why would I do that when I can wear stretchy pants?!
Stretch marks: No new ones :)
Belly button: My whole belly button situation is not cute after having the girls. Lets just leave it at that.
Sleep: I sleep like a baby! 9 hours+ a night.. I'm enjoying this while I can.
Best moment so far:  Announcing our pregnancy at the end of the girls 1st birthday party! I was 11.5 weeks along and felt comfortable to finally announce our news. Our family was all together so it was the perfect time. Everyone was shocked!
To watch the full reaction.. click HERE: TWINS 1ST BIRTHDAY SURPRISE!
Food cravings: I'm definitely craving more salty foods this pregnancy that with the girls. I just am hungry all the time and could eat.. ok I pretty much do eat, all day long. I want to eat out...Everyday I think about Chipotle several times, Taco Bell, etc but have resisted for the most part.
Food aversions: Barry's sausages that he was making EVERY MORNING for breakfast.. he now eats them at work.
- Tired, nauseous, and ready for bed by 7pm most nights. 

Movement: Not yet, I thought I felt the baby one time last week but think its too soon.

Gender: Aren't finding out until the birth :)

Labor Signs? Nope
What I'm looking forward to:  Being able to feel the baby move and kick
What I’m nervous about:  Not much.. probably just how I'm going to take care of 18 month old twins and a newborn.
What I miss: A glass of wine in the evenings with my hubby & my flat tummy
Next appointment: Monday, May 23rd.. Nothing exciting. Just my 15 week check up. Next ultrasound will be between 18-20 weeks along for the anatomy scan.