Wednesday, July 29, 2015

3 month update- Gardner girls

Dear Lily,

Your big blue eyes catch the attention of everyone that meets you. According to Mom and Dad's scale, you weigh about 11.8 lbs and are growing by the day it seems. You have learned how to smile this month and have even started to coo a little. Your Dad calls you "hammers" for the way you ham it up as you grin from ear to ear. You are still in 0-3 month clothing, but I think you are quickly moving your way out of these and into the 3-6 months shortly. You are getting adorable rolls all over your thighs and arms. You love to "stand" up and can sit up if we are supporting you. You are always worried about your sister and want to be touching her if you are close. You have a laid back personality, but let us know when you need something. You fight naps and don't want to miss a thing. When we put down for the night, you want Dad and I to rock you, sing to you, and rub your head until you finally close your eyes. As much as you fight sleep, once you are down you are out. You have recently starting sleeping 11 hours a night (and we love you for it!). You love watching Baby Einstein movies and kick and wave your arms the whole time. Music is your favorite.  You always turn your head towards the sounds. You love your swing. You stare at the bears bouncing around over your head and turn to the music box until you fall asleep. We love watching you grow into your own person and see your personality emerging.



Dear Maddie,

You will always be my "little" baby, but this month you started to look and act like a big girl. Your beautiful blue eyes and sweet smile make me melt. You still look a lot like your Poppy with your dark hair and skin. You are getting very long, but still are very petite. According to our scale, you weigh 10.8 pounds... a whole pound less than Lily. You will kill me one day for saying this, but you are my gassy child. I switched up the formula I was mixing into your bottles of breast milk, and you quickly let me know you didn't agree with that choice. After a rough week or so, we got back on track and I got my happy, smiley girl back. We do lots of bicycle kicks and "running" to keep you happy. Also, bouncing is your favorite. If I could sit and bounce you on my lap all day long you would be in heaven. Baths are a blast with you. You kick and splash so hard that the water goes out of your little tub. Your least favorite part is when you have to get out of the bath... and you scream, loudly. You love to snuggle and curl your knees up just like you have since you were born. You are happy when you are moving and will lay and stare at your mobile in your crib for over an hour while your arms and legs squirm around the entire time. I have a feeling you are going to be quite feisty as we have started to see a little attitude appear when you are upset about something. You will look at me at try and scratch your bottle or my arms, whatever you can get your hands on. You are very easy to put down to bed at night, but have lately been wanting to wake up and party well before it's time to get up and eat.  Dad or I will come in and give you your paci and you will go back to sleep for an hour or so. We were getting up at 4am for a middle of the night feed, but have pushed that to 6:30am-7:30am. Am I so glad God chose me to be your Mom and I can't wait to continue to watch you grow. I have a feeling I will be chasing you around the house very soon and for many years to come!



Here's a quick rundown of a typical day:
(there are no typical days... but this is the game plan)
6am-7am: Wake up and feed both girls
7:30am-8:30am: Play time
8:30am-9:30am/10am: Morning nap time

10am: 2nd feeding of the day
10:45am: Change into clothes for the day/More play time usually in one of the cribs or activity mat
11:30am: Late morning snooze..(sometimes)

1pm: 3rd feeding of the day
1:45pm: Walk around the park
2:45pm: Play time/snooze

4pm: 4th feeding of the day
4:30pm: Play time / Dad comes home! :)

6:30pm: Bath time (every couple of nights)
7pm: 5th feeding of the day
7:30pm-8pm: Bed time 
Here's their 3 month pictures
This month the girls celebrated their first July 4th. We spend the afternoon at Hession Farms with family before coming home to watch fireworks and listen to the Rolling Stones concert from our house with a scared Smokey boy.
 Also this month, the girls were baptized! We had a wonderful evening on Saturday, July 11th celebrating with family and friends.
On Sunday, July 19th, the girls went to their first pool party and even got in for a couple minutes! They loved the warm water.