Saturday, October 24, 2015

Maddie's 6 month update! 10-24-15

Dear Maddie Rose,

I have a bad habit of always writing about Lily first since she was "Baby A", so I thought I would change it up this month. You are becoming the happiest little baby I have ever met! When you wake up in the morning, I don't hear cries.. instead I hear your soft little voice sweetly "talking" as you look around your room, taking it all in. As soon as your Dad or I come in to get you, your huge smile erupts and melts our heart.

 Your happy personality continues most of the day along with your new learned skill of  blowing raspberries and "talking." You have learned to roll from your belly to your back, but have only done it a handful of times. You have never enjoyed tummy time, but are starting to last longer than before (max of 5 minutes). You are starting to pay more attention to Lily and get excited to see her. When anyone holds you, you place your hand on their face and study them. If they are male and you don't recognize them, your bottom lip comes out and you burst into tears. You just went to Florida for the 1st time at 5 1/2 months old and LOVED it! You swam in the ocean with your Dad, floated in the pool, and were happy wherever we took you.
You are still a tiny little thing with little "bird" legs and can still fit into size 3 month clothing, although I have started to put you into more 6 month outfits recently. Your eyes seem to be changing a little bit, but are a beautiful dark blue with almost a hint of brown/hazel. Your laugh is contagious. You have your Dad completely wrapped around your finger. When you see him you flirtatiously move your head to the side, blush, and smile. He eats it up.

Since your hernia went away, you have been eating like a champ. You started solids about a month and a half ago and always make a funny face after the first couple of bites. Once you realize what you are eating you look like a baby bird with your mouth wide open, ready for the next bite.

Your little bottom is still in size 1 diapers- mainly because we have so many and are trying to use them up :) You went from a little cat napper to being able to sleep in your crib for up to 3 hours at a time during the day. I think you are a good mix of your Dad, Poppy, and I. You love people singing to you, jumping in your jumperoo, and playing on your activity mat. Your legs kick continuously when you watch Baby Einstein or when we take you on walks in your stroller.

We love you to pieces and couldn't imagine our family without you in it!
