Thursday, November 12, 2015

Lily's 6 month update-10/24/15

Dear Liliana,

Six months ago you were ready to take on this world and you haven't stopped since that day! You are trying to crawl (you are going backwards more than forward) and can roll yourself around the room to get into almost anything. I told your Dad that we are going to have to invest in some baby gates and start baby proofing this house soon! Your blue eyes still capture everyone's attention. You have beautiful fair skin and your blond hair is starting to come in. Nearly every morning you are awake before Maddie. We think you are teething as you have been gnawing on everything you can get your mouth on including your hands, high chair tray, and toys. This has caused you (and I) some pain... (and tears) and several doses of "cherry mimi" which you LOVE!

When I was pregnant with you I always thought that you were the more calm child. Every time we would see an ultrasound you would be trying to get as far away from Maddie as you could. The exact opposite is happening now! You can't get enough of your sister. When you see her you squeal with excitement and try and either A. hug her B. kiss her or C. body slam her. I'm working with you to be "gentle" even though you have no idea what that means.

You are quite fascinated with Smokey. Your eyes don't leave his site when he is in the room. He hasn't quite figured out what to do when you crawl over to him and start petting (or licking) him. He wants to be around you too and usually brings his bone into your play area to enjoy while you figure out how to get to him.

We just got back from your first vacation and plane ride to Fort Myers Beach, Florida. You were an absolute rock star--even through the pain of teething! You slept in a pack n' play for the first time, swam in the pool like a fish, and even put your feet into the ocean and sand.

You are quickly going through your clothes and are wearing 6-9 month shirts and pants. You have been in size 2 diapers for several months now and still fit into them comfortable. At night your sister and you are both in size 3 diapers which has helped with the amount of "accidents" we were having.

You are a mommas girl-- which I LOVE! You love to cuddle with me and have even started to say "Momma." Your grin (and mine) goes from ear to ear when you see me in the mornings to get you out of your crib.

We are still trying to figure out who you look like. I think you look like you Grandpa Larry Gardner. You are interested in everything around you and are learning something new everyday. You know what you want (and what you don't want). I thank God everyday that he chose me to be your mom. I love you with all I have and love being able to spend everyday with you.
