Friday, January 31, 2014

January Goals in Review. (Part 2)

january goals

If you read Part 1, first thank you. I am blogging mostly to keep myself accountable to my goals for the year, but if I inspire one person during this process, that's a double win in my book! Thanks for reading! I have lots of fun topics I'm excited to blog about in February- switching over to the health and fitness side- and less ME ME ME :)

In Part 1, I discussed my progress in my career, wifey, and fitness goals. Part 2 is going to focus on my spiritual, personal growth, and budget goals. Let's dive right in!

Spiritual Goals

1. Attend church weekly

We hit 50% of our goal this month, which is MUCH better than we have done in months past. We had been in a very bad habit of skipping church... and we had every excuse in the book. The weekend would start with "Let's go to 5:30pm mass on Saturday." Yet, Saturday would come and something "more important" would be going on and we would skip it. We would then say, "Let's go to noon mass tomorrow." Sure enough, we would both just be "busy" and would say "Well, we will go next week." RIGHT..

Finally, we said enough is enough. My goal in February is to be their every Saturday evening or Sunday morning.. No more excuses!  :) 

2. Nightly devotional with hubby: (5 nights a week)

We did this one night this month. Whoops!  The book has since sat right next to my side of the bed, left unopened. This literally takes 2 minutes to read and then we can discuss the topic for another couple minutes. This just takes commitment and discipline..(and putting down those iPhones!) I love the idea of doing a nightly devotional just to keep us talking; talking about new ideas, information, etc. We WILL do better in February.

The Love Dare Day by Day: A Year of Devotions for Couples

Personal Growth
1. Read 2 new Leadership books a month (24 in 2014)

I read two amazing books this month... (OK, I read one and listened to the other on CD while driving to and from work.) Rich Dad, Poor Dad was a great break from all the Dave Ramsey I have been listening to/reading. It brought up a couple of great ideas, such as creating our own LLC and reiterated why we are working so hard this year (and years to come) to create a legacy for our family. More Than Enough was a very easy read. Each chapter built on the previous one and laid down layers of conviction to why we are doing exactly what we are doing in 2014. My favorite part of each chapter was when Dave Ramsey's wife, Sharon, would put in her two cents about the topic being discussed. This helped me to relate, being a wife and woman, to a successful and driven husband. Out of each of these books, I would recommend Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The topics he discusses are very different and creates a great discussion between friends, spouses, or parents.

                                  more than enough

2. Volunteer once a month

I have to admit that volunteering wasn't my idea. One of Dave Ramsey's main phrases is "Live like no one else, so that you can live and GIVE like no one else." This constant phrase has been in my mind these past three months and I couldn't ignore the fact that we haven't been giving. We are now giving back to our church and I started volunteering at Gleaners Food Bank. While we are working our way out of debt, I want to give as much of my time as possible to help those less fortunate, until we can give more financially.

food pantry line

My first experience at Gleaners was very humbling. I spent a very cold, Thursday afternoon in the food pantry. I had no idea what to expect.  I was asked to be in charge of the front door. I had to let in people when there was room in the pantry and I opened the door for them as they left. Anyone in the Midwest knows how cold and snowy our January has been, and this day was one of our worst. The pantry opened at 2pm, with a line of at least 50 people standing in the freezing cold, waiting to get in to receive their groceries for the week. It broke my heart to see people of all different ages, races, babies, grandparents, teenagers, single Moms and Dads, etc all just trying to put food on the table for their families. It was exactly the reminder I needed. My "problems" are not problems, but simply inconveniences. We never have had to worry about having food on the table, a roof over our head, or a warm bed to sleep in. It's easy to forget about the rest of the world when we live in such a self-involved world. I'm 100% guilty of this, but I'm working to focus my efforts on helping others and providing my time or talents to better someones life.

3. Make someones day, everyday.

This goal is tough. Think about it. If you woke up everyday and said to yourself "How can I make someones day?" I will tell you this... It's one of the most rewarding things we can do. Some of the great memories from this past month were watching my niece, Lauren, play basketball on a Sunday afternoon, taking my niece,Vaida,out to ice cream and shopping for her 7th birthday, and helping a couple on our Advocare team win a $500 Rookie Bonus. Some days it is more simple like smiling at someone who is having a bad day,  giving someone a genuine compliment, or going above and beyond for a co-worker, friend, spouse, or elderly neighbor.
Lauren and I after her basketball game! She scored 2 points! :)
 Budget Goals:

1. Hit our budget/debt payment goal every month.

We read the Total Money Makeover back in November 2013, but this month was our first month we stepped into "gazelle intensity" as Dave Ramsey refers to it. We start out each month with our written budget. Every dollar is given a name. (Mortgage, groceries, debt, etc) This has helped our marriage, bank accounts, and sanity. Money and budgeting are now exciting topics in our house. I look forward to our chats every Sunday. There is no better feeling than seeing my student loan debt decreasing month after month. Even with a couple unforeseen expenses, (what do you mean I can't use unlimited data on my phone? oops!) we hit our debt payment goal! When you have a plan and know what you are working towards and why, the drive comes from deep within. We know exactly when we will be out of debt, therefore every month is one month closer to being able to scream, "WE'RE DEBT FREEEE!!!" (Anyone else obsessed with watching these videos from the Podcast?)
 Month 3 is a definite win in my book!


2. Use envelope system to stay on track for all purchases (expect gas and Costco.)

Every month of using the envelope system gets better. The first we weren't use to using cash and would frequently forget to bring them with us to the store or out to dinner. The second month we over-budgeted, and the third month seemed just right. We have an envelope for groceries, eating out, house items, miscellaneous, and a swear one more that I can't think of at the moment! We use our debit card for gas and Costco, but have an allotment for each of these categories. It's exciting to me to see how far I can stretch each envelope and come up with creative recipes, date ideas, etc! :) 
How cute are these envelopes with Dave Ramsey quotes?   FREE printables…

I would love to hear from you all! What are you 2014 goals? Do you follow a written budget? What are you reading? How do you give back to your community? :) Have a great weekend! Bring on February!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January Goals...How did I do? ((Part 1))

January.. A New Year, fresh start! Such a great time of reflection, resolutions, and goal setting! This January, I started off the year with very specific goals. Each month in 2014 I want to do a "Month in Review" to see how I did. What are the highlights of each month and how can I do better in the following month. It's easy to set goals, but sticking to them daily, weekly, and monthly is a whole different story.

 Let's start with my career goals...

1. Master my new position as a Health Fitness Specialist in Coverage with NIFS.
Almost two months into my new career from commercial fitness to corporate fitness, I am loving the change. I have five years of full-time experience as a Personal Trainer, yet had zero experience in any other aspect of the fitness industry. I started to worry that I would be a 45 year old trainer, working 12 hour days, for mainly all commission. (No thanks!) Corporate fitness is a lot less stressful than my previous jobs. I have zero sales requirements and I'm paid a salary. (for the first time in my life) I have paid days off, sick days, vacation days, etc! I was even paid for the two days we had the Blizzard of 2014, just a couple weeks ago. I am working to continue learning more group fitness classes and becoming more comfortable in this new setting.

2. Build my Advocare business to the Gold level by February 2014. 
"Oh, you're halfway there!" Our team has exploded in January! We are halfway to Gold, which on average, pays more than my full-time salary! Hitting this level means so much for our family. It gives us choices. I will have the choice to quit my job, pay off our debt even sooner, and raise our future baby bears while still contributing to our household income. Advocare was first about us, but now about how many families we can impact and help them to reach their goals.!

Wifey Goals:
1. Prep all 10 of our lunches for the week every Sunday and plan out our week
We are about 50/50 on this one! We had a long weekend trip to Columbus, OH for Success School the weekend of the 18th and we didn't sit down to relax until 7pm Sunday evening. There were no pre-prepped meals that week which always results in poorer eating habits and increased spending. This past Sunday I prepped all 10 lunches for Barry and I and have our dinners planned (& it only took me 1 hour) BOOM!

this is not my actual prep lol- mine isn't this pretty ;)

2. Have a house cleaning schedule and perform 20-25 min of daily cleaning
Just yesterday I finally created our daily cleaning schedule! I'm so proud of it :) When I follow this, I keep a clean(er) house and don't spend all weekend doing loads of laundry..(ok Barry isn't doing loads of laundry all weekend) and cleaning! I'm excited to get back into this routine.

3. Reduce our spending (ex. coupons, sales, etc)
I've completely slacked in this goal. I don't even have a good excuse! We did hit our grocery budget goal with a whooping $4 left (WIN!) and I didn't use a single coupon. We buy our meat/bigger items at Costco and the basic essential at Kroger. Most coupons are for name brand items, but we typically buy the cheaper no-name brand (that is cheaper than using a coupon). This is one of my goals in February... get better at planning out grocery shopping, coupons in hand, and ready to save $$

Gatlinburg Coupons Summer 2012

Fitness Goals:
This is obviously one of my favorite topics.. and could ramble on all day about my goals in fitness, but since trying to make a small human has taken priority, my fitness goals aren't super exciting. I thought about training again for the Mini Marathon and running that for my 3rd time this May, but assummed I would be pregnant (5-6 months along) and wouldn't want to risk tripping and falling. (My mother has called me Grace for many years for a reason) I read a couple articles stating that optimal body fat is 20% for conceiving... I maybe allowed it to get to 21-22% before I couldn't handle it and started an Advocare 10 day Cleanse post Holidays to rid me of this extra weight. My doctor said my body fat and weight are perfectly healthy, so until I hear otherwise I would like to maintain a weight of 125-128 and 18% body fat. I am not quite there as of today, but that is my goal by the end of February.

What are your goals for 2014? How do you keep yourself on track? Do you have a friend/spouse/co-worker that is an accountability partner? I'd love to hear tips from you all :) Until next time! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

2014. Debt, Advocare, Dogs, and Making a Baby :)

Most people begin the New Year celebrating with friends, excited about leaving a year in the past and ready for a fresh new beginning. It's a time of reflection, goals, and resolutions. It's a cleansing time, really, like an artist looking at a blank white canvas ready to paint with an array of colors and brushes. When you are so hopeful and can't help but feel like, "This is the month.. This is MY month" the let down never gets easier...

pregnancy test can sometimes be wrong 

 I had already planned how I would tell Barry. I should know by December 30th so it was perfect timing. We would be at Dawson's with all our friends while I "pretended" to sip on champagne throughout the evening. I can picture being in the back room, dancing, singing, and laughing... just waiting for the countdown to begin. It would start "5,4,3, 2... "I'm pregnant!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"I pictured the look on his face and his excitement knowing how long we have hoped and prayed for this moment. 

Instead, we both struggled through the evening, trying to put a smile on our face, and enjoy the evening. We left an hour or so after midnight and drove home in silence. I knew he was hurting and as he knew I was, yet nothing either of us could say would make things better. We ended up in tears soon after walking into our house and just let it out. All the frustrations, anger, disappointment that was built up over the past 14 months finally came out.  We realized how much we tried to hide our feelings from each other in order to protect one another from hurting even more and vowed to keep our communication going strong. This journey will only continue to bring us closer as a couple and stronger in our marriage.  while we tried to continue to look on the positive side of things and keep looking ahead to a New Year. 


After our much needed talk on New Year's Eve we came up with many positive thoughts/ideas to focus on in 2014:

1. Debt. We never saw our debt as a problem or an issue. I always thought it was "normal" to have a mortgage, car payment, or student loans, yet since reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover we now have a better idea as to what we want our future to look like.  We have a high goal of paying off $60,000 this year, which include my student loans (Boiler Up!) and both of our vehicles. This enables us to sit down every week and discuss our progress while giving us a focus/distraction and will create a better future for our family. 

2.  Advocare. This gives me more time to build my Advocare business to the level I need to replace my full time salary. We are currently at the Silver level, but a Gold level would represent the option for me to become a work at home Mom which is something I believe I'm going to want very much. One of the things I love most is that I get to help so many people achieve better health, income, and see them grow into amazing leaders. 2014 is going to be an amazing year for our business.


3. Dogs. I warned Barry not long ago, "You either give me a baby or another dog!" LOL Smokey wasn't adjusting well to my new schedule since I started full-time with NIFS and we are thinking he needs a buddy! This is still in the very early stages of planning so please check back for updates on this decision. P.S. How cute is this?!

4. Baby making Plans: We are currently in the 3rd cycle of 50mg of Clomid. My doctor doesn't think anything is wrong with either one of us and thinks the Clomid will help give us the boost we need to conceive. We shall see!


Friday, January 17, 2014

2013..The Good and The Bad :)


 I'm back! I'm about the worst blogger ever! I always love reading people's blogs and think, "I want to write one!" The only problem is that..
1. I'm not the best writer (I'm a math girl, never an English fan)
2. I have the attention span of a 2 year old. 

I feel like so much is changing in me emotionally and spiritually and a blog will be a great way to document this journey. 2013 was a year of amazing highs and some of the lowest I have ever experienced. Barry and I started experienced our first year of marriage! They say the first year is the hardest, and if that is true, we got this ;) I always love the beginning of a new year. I love reflecting at all the good (and bad) times and think about how one could grow from that and become an even better person than the previous year. We live a very blessed life. We do not worry about putting food on the table, heat in our home, or a roof over our head, yet 2013 was one of the most challenging years for us.
 As soon as we got married, we knew we wanted children. Both of us were very excited about starting a family and we decided to start "trying" right away. In my mind I was already planning out what the nursery will look like, where the crib would go, and imaging Barry holding our newborn baby. I was so excited and figured it would happen right away. I mean, I remember the health classes from high school through college teaching all about reproduction and the need to take every measure possible to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. I felt I had an advantage because I already understood so much about reproductive health that we would have a baby in late Summer/ early Fall 2013. After a couple months and nothing, I did some more research and started some new vitamins, temping daily, and using ovulation tests to increase our chances of conceiving...

And then seven months into our "TTC Journey" I was ecstatic to see a positive test the day after Mother's Day, May 17, 2013! We were over the moon excited! We only told some close family members and friends as I wanted to get through the first trimester before announcing our news to make sure everything was healthy. I knew my Mom had experienced a miscarriage before my oldest brother and after me, and I kept this thought in the back of my mind everyday. Sure enough, after a super fun (and sober) Race weekend, I started the process of miscarrying on May 31st at 7 weeks pregnant. It's hard to explain the feelings that one goes through during this process, but I immediately was in denial. I kept saying," This is normal. Everything will be okay."  I called my doctor and he stated to rest and we would check everything out on Monday (this was Friday evening). I kept reassuring myself, but knew everything wasn't fine. I became addicted to reading everything I could on every pregnancy blog out there. I don't think I slept but a wink that evening. The next morning we officially miscarried our "Baby Bear" as we had been referring to it. I had a long moment of just numbness that came over me as I sat in our backyard, in a chair on a beautiful Saturday June 1st morning,  just staring up at the sky. It wasn't real. I was angry, confused, upset, and yet almost at a weird sense of peace that our baby was were he/she was supposed to be. Every thought goes through your mind, such as, "What could I have done differently?" or "Why did this happen to ME?"  I was crying one second and then Barry would do something the next to make me laugh :) It was a constant up and down of emotions over the next several days and weeks.

 This week has been extra tough, even though I have accepted what has happened, I can't help but think that this is the week our baby boy/girl would have arrived in the world. January 19th, 2014 was our estimated due date. I still continue to receive emails weekly that are a constant reminder of what we lost last June (apparently unsubscribing isn't enough to get these to go away). I think about how differently our live would be if we were about to welcome our first child into the world any day now. I know I wouldn't have started my new job with NIFS, we wouldn't be attacking our debt, and our plans for 2014 would be dramatically different. I try and always look at the positive side of everything, which can be challenging in this situation. On the positive side, Barry and I are closer than ever before since going through this experience together. We now know we are not in control of our future and our plans. We will have our baby in God's time. In the mean time we are enjoying our time together as just a family of 2, well 3 with our Smokey boy.  Sleeping in on the weekends, staying out late on the weekends, and working out as much as we want will be a luxury that we will gladly accept when God blesses us with our baby. 2014 is going to be an amazing year for our family. We can't wait to see what this year entails for us! :) I will continue to update this blog on our TTC journey and everything life throws at us in 2014!