Tuesday, June 14, 2016

18 week update on Baby 3.0

 18 Week Bump Date with Baby #3

My age: 30
How far along: 18 weeks 4 days
How big is baby: The size of a bell pepper. At our ultrasound, the baby weighed 10 oz!

Weight Gain: 8 lbs. I started the pregnancy back at my pre-pregnancy weight of 135. From my 12-15 week appointment my weight stayed the same so my doctor was happy to see a 3 lb increase at my 18 week appointment.

Exercise/Activity Level:  I'm most proud of how well I have stuck to my exercise routine so far during this pregnancy. With the girls, I was restricted from all exercise at 10 weeks, so I am just so excited to be able to exercise this time around. I want to stay as healthy and fit as possible throughout the pregnancy to make getting into the best shape of my life post partum a little bit easier. I've consistently taken 3-4 group exercise classes a week that include Body Pump, Strength Intervals, Cardio Intervals, and my newest favorite class: Combo Intervals which is basically a toned down Crossfit class. I love pushing my body (safely) and feeling the benefits of a good workout, knowing I did more in a class than I would do to myself. I'm starting to feel "pregnant" and can feel my belly hit my knees during squats and the floor during pushups, but I'm hopeful to continue this routine throughout my pregnancy :)

Maternity clothes:  I'm happily wearing maternity clothes because they are so comfy! I can still wear my regular jeans and shorts, but may have popped a button on my size 6's the other week LOL
Stretch marks: No new ones :)
Belly button: Outie? Kinda?
Sleep: I still sleep amazingly.. for now!
Best moment this week: Having the anatomy scan on Monday was amazing! I am so busy with the girls that its hard to stop and really focus on this baby (especially since I am not feeling much movement yet). I sometimes "forget" that I'm pregnant and it doesn't seem real. Seeing this perfectly healthy baby bounce around on the screen for 20+ minutes while it seemed to try and show off every trick it knew was so amazing. I instantly felt more bonded to the baby and can not wait/believe I'm going to be having another baby in a short 5 months!
Food cravings: Tacos.. from Hardees are absolutely amazing. If you haven't tried them please do and then come thank me.
Food aversions: Barry's sausages that he was making EVERY MORNING for breakfast.. he now eats them at work.
Symptoms: Still taking my nausea medicine :( I stopped taking it when I turned 17 weeks and got sick that night. I'm feeling really good though besides when I forget to take my meds! Energy levels are back to normal and I feel like I'm not eating everything in site.. for now.

Movement: A little bit, at night if I really focus and lay still... nothing consistent yet. The ultrasound tech told me I have an anterior placenta which basically means there is a pillow between the baby and I :( This might make it harder for me to feel kicks as early or regularly.

Gender: Aren't finding out until the birth :)

Labor Signs? Nope
What I'm looking forward to:  Being able to feel the baby move and kick
What I’m nervous about:  Making it full term
What I miss: Still missing a summer cocktail every so often
Next appointment: Two weeks!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

13 Week Update with Baby #3!

 13 Week Bump Date with Baby #3

My age: 30
How far along: 13 weeks
How big is baby: Size of a peach

Weight Gain: 2 lbs. I started the pregnancy back at my pre-pregnancy weight of 135. I feel huge so I'm not sure how I've only gained 2 pounds.

Exercise/Activity Level:  My exercise routine has been pretty good overall during my first trimester. I was actively trying to tone up/lose the last of my baby fluff when I found out I was pregnant, so that put a big halt to that! In the past couple of weeks I got back into Body Pump and my goal is to get there 2-3x's a week with 2-3 cardio workouts in-between.  My cardio workouts have consisted of intervals on the elliptical and treadmill. I have been jogging slowly on the treadmill (5.0-5.5 mph) for 1 min on, 1 min walking for 1 mile. If I can continue this during most of my second trimester I will be happy :)
Maternity clothes:  I'm happily wearing maternity clothes because they are so comfy! I can still wear my regular jeans and shorts, but why would I do that when I can wear stretchy pants?!
Stretch marks: No new ones :)
Belly button: My whole belly button situation is not cute after having the girls. Lets just leave it at that.
Sleep: I sleep like a baby! 9 hours+ a night.. I'm enjoying this while I can.
Best moment so far:  Announcing our pregnancy at the end of the girls 1st birthday party! I was 11.5 weeks along and felt comfortable to finally announce our news. Our family was all together so it was the perfect time. Everyone was shocked!
To watch the full reaction.. click HERE: TWINS 1ST BIRTHDAY SURPRISE!
Food cravings: I'm definitely craving more salty foods this pregnancy that with the girls. I just am hungry all the time and could eat.. ok I pretty much do eat, all day long. I want to eat out...Everyday I think about Chipotle several times, Taco Bell, etc but have resisted for the most part.
Food aversions: Barry's sausages that he was making EVERY MORNING for breakfast.. he now eats them at work.
- Tired, nauseous, and ready for bed by 7pm most nights. 

Movement: Not yet, I thought I felt the baby one time last week but think its too soon.

Gender: Aren't finding out until the birth :)

Labor Signs? Nope
What I'm looking forward to:  Being able to feel the baby move and kick
What I’m nervous about:  Not much.. probably just how I'm going to take care of 18 month old twins and a newborn.
What I miss: A glass of wine in the evenings with my hubby & my flat tummy
Next appointment: Monday, May 23rd.. Nothing exciting. Just my 15 week check up. Next ultrasound will be between 18-20 weeks along for the anatomy scan.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A letter to my girls..9 months in :)

Lily & Maddie,

In many ways it seems like you both have been in my life forever, yet it's only been a short 9 months. Some days fly by while other days I'm counting down the seconds until your Dad walks through the door.

Finding our new "normal" has been a challenge, as any new parent struggles to find. In the midst of play time, reading books, baths, bottles, etc. I am trying to keep the house chores in order, dinner on the table, workouts completed,  groceries bought, meals planned and prepped while finding time for myself, Barry, family, and friends.

The first 2-3 months after you girls were born, we were in survival mode. I couldn't think about anything else but feeding you and caring for you. Food came from amazingly thoughtful friends and family members. I assume your Dad did the laundry because I can't even remember touching a load. Showering happened when I could no longer remember the last time I took one. You were my world and I spent every ounce of me trying to figure out how to do the best job possible.

Around 3 months, we started to gain some traction. I think I started cooking again. I started back at the gym and got into Body Pump which made me feel strong and healthy as my thoughts towards my body changed. I no longer cared about being "skinny". I wanted to be as healthy as I could be so I would be around for many more decades and to be a positive role model for you girls in this aspect.

By 6 months, I felt confident. I was regularly taking you out on adventures to Target, Main Street, or to the grocery store. Each outing became easier and took less time to gather everything we needed to leave the house. We even flew to Florida and then to D.C!

Now it's been 9 months. You both have officially been here longer than I was pregnant with you. Our new "normal" is everything I had hoped it would be and so much more. I still look at each of you in awe that you are mine. I cry happy tears randomly when I hold you and notice you are getting so big. I am so proud when you achieve a new milestone. You literally complete me. I was made to be a mother... YOUR mother. I have wanted this since I was a little girl and now it's my reality. When we weren't sure having kids was going to be a possibility, I can distinctly remember seeing a family walking down the street on a warm summer morning with their toddler, new baby, and dog. They had EVERYTHING I wanted. It seemed so simple to most, but that was my dream.

I'm now living my dream. I am able to stay at home with you girls everyday and not miss one moment with you. Many mothers would love to be in my position and I don't take this for granted. I love your Dad more now than I ever thought possible. Watching him sing to you, play with you, and laugh with you melts me. He works so hard for our family and then comes home and gives us 100% of his attention and time as we feed you, bathe you, and play before its time to go to bed.

I can't believe it's possible that you girls are turning 1 in just 3 short months. The day you were born forever changed me. I look at the world differently. I am trying to be the best mother I can be to you girls so that you are raised knowing how much you are loved. Watching the bond you two have is very special. I am so glad God chose me to be your Mom.

I love you both with all my heart,
