Sunday, April 12, 2015

31 week twin bump date!

31 Week Bump Date

My age: 29
How far along: 31 weeks
How big is baby: We were quite surprised when at our ultrasound this Monday we found out that Baby A is 4 lbs and Baby B is 3 lbs 13 ounces! They are growing big and healthy which is great news.
Weight Gain: I haven't weighed myself this week.
Exercise/Activity Level: Monday was also my last day of work so I won't be teaching any more group fitness classes for awhile. This week I went to the gym a couple days to swim/float in the therapy pool at the Healthplex. I also lifted some light weights for my upper body and did some home garage workouts with my bands.
Maternity clothes:  The amount of shirts that currently fit is getting smaller and smaller. I am wearing a tight long tank under most shirts to make sure my belly doesn't hang out of the bottom.
Stretch marks: Stretch marks made their appearance this week. I could tell they were going to pop up soon because of how itchy my stomach has been lately. I can't tell how bad they will be yet, since they are mostly white right now... we shall see!
Belly button: Flat/Outie.
Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty good with the exception of one night waking up at 4am--completely wide awake. I read that this can start to happen, but luckily it only happened the one night so far.
Best moment of the week: Seeing our girls on the ultrasound was amazing. I still sometimes have a hard time believing this is real after everything Barry and I have been through to get to this point. I am in awe watching them move around and knowing that I'm carrying two human lives that will soon come into this world and call me "Mom."  
Food cravings: Sweets are my friend. Ice cream, brownies, cake, etc are all things I am loving these days (in moderation, of course)
Food aversions: None
  • Pubic bone pain: this pain actually isn't as bad these days since my hip pain is taking over as my #1 symptom
  • Round ligament pain in the hips: This is getting worse as my stomach continues to get bigger and bigger.
Movement: The kicks are now becoming more like full movements. I can feel the girls hands down super low and their feet around my belly button. There are super strong movements that sometimes hurt! I have been able to get some video clips of them moving which looks like aliens moving around in my stomach-- pretty crazy!
Gender: Girls
Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks contractions
What I'm looking forward to:  Being able to be at home getting things ready for our girls and resting. I am glad to be off my feet and able to keep these girls cooking for several more weeks.
What I’m nervous about: Getting two steroids shots. This will help prepare the girls lungs in case they are to arrive premature, but still makes me nervous since I dislike needles greatly.
What I miss: My stretch mark free tummy
Next appointment: Weekly Monday appt. at 3:30pm