Monday, July 14, 2014

Top 3 Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight!

Have you been trying to lose weight and seem like no matter what you do the weight won't come off? 
Let me give you an insight as to why you aren't losing the weight!

Do You Feel You Can't Lose Weight? 

1.  You are consuming all (and more) of the calories you burned during your workout
So, you started working out a couple times a week... GREAT!
To reward yourself for getting to the gym, you treat yourself to ice cream or drinks with friends, claiming "I worked out today!"
Don't Reward Yourself With Food.  You Are NOT A Dog.  (something I'll need to remember when I'm a Mom- not to start bad habits in my children) 
The problem with this mindset is that to lose weight, the body must be in a caloric deficit. 
A 30 minute circuit training workout for a 155 lb person burns around 300 calories. 
How many calories are in a small Butterfinger Blizzard?!? 470!
OK, instead of DQ Date, you hit up your favorite Mexican restaurant after your workout. 
Just one small margarita will cost you 550 calories!
((and we all know you didn't order the small... or just one!)
Now, instead of losing weight, you actually added 150 net calories to your intake.
Remember, you aren't a dog. Don't use food as a reward!

2. You are trying to out work a bad diet
So you started going to the gym 3x's a week for a 30 minute circuit training class..Awesome! Your body is now burning around 900 extra calories a week. Great start! 
The only problem is that to lose 1 lb, 3500 calories must be burned. 
At this rate, it would take about 4 weeks to lose 1 lb. 
((No wonder you want to give up!))
If you are a Starbucks lover, just giving up your daily Venti White Chocolate Mocha will up your weight lose to 1 lb/week!
(510 calories per drink X 7 days a week)
Think about all the other things in your diet you could switch to save calories... it all adds up!
3. You do the exact same workout
(Over, and over, and over again)
There's so many people that I have seen over the years come in to the gym time after time and do the same workout. They did this routine so frequently that even I had the routine memorized. 
What's the problem with this?
Your body will adapt to a workout routine after only 4-6 weeks. At this point, no new results will occur in strength, cardiovascular, flexibility, etc. You have achieved the results you will achieve. 
What should you do?
Change something- ANYTHING!
Increase the resistance or intensity during your cardio, go to a higher weight with your strength training exercises, and/or change up the amount of repetitions/sets. 
Better yet, meet with a trainer to learn new exercises that are specific to your goals :)

What has worked for you? 
What are the best tips you can give to someone trying to lose weight?

motivational fitness quotes, it takes 12 weeks for people to notice a difference Limes can help you lose weight and live a healthier life style, find out how!

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