Thursday, February 5, 2015

6 Things NOT to say to someone who is having twins...

I'm at the point in my pregnancy where most strangers feel confident enough to come up and say, "Are you pregnant?"
I always laugh a little because I fee like I've been showing for months, but I guess it's polite to never assume someone is expecting.
Since my baby bump is out there with no more ways to hide it, I've had some pretty interesting comments, especially when they learn I'm pregnant with twins.

Here's my list of 6 things NOT to say to someone who is having twins.

#6: "Do twins run in your family?!"
This is a very common first response as soon as someone learns you are having twins. Why they feel the need to know your family history suddenly is beyond me. Twins don't run in my family, nor do they run in my husband's family. We weren't able to just decide we wanted a baby and boom.. pregnant. Instead, we endured years of infertility, blood work, shots, etc. to finally learn we were expecting.. two babies instead of one.
If you aren't sure of someone's journey to start their family, don't ask them if twins run in their family. It puts them in an awkward position to decide whether to divulge their infertility struggles or just to try and smile, laugh it off, and say,
 "Nope, we are just double blessed I guess!"
 (This is my go to response these days)

#5: "Wow, one baby was hard! I can't IMAGINE two!!"
Awesome. Great news for me, right?!
I'm not sure what people truly mean when they say this. I realize babies are hard. I also realize two babies is going to be double the work.
 I am also aware that I get two babies with one pregnancy and only one birth. I get double the kisses and double the babies to love on.

#4: "Now you can be done having kids!"
Thank you stranger for letting me know that our family is now complete because we are having two babies at once, but I'm pretty sure the amount of kiddos my husband and I want isn't anyone else's place to tell us.
I genuinely think this is one of the more positive responses someone can say, but it's still a little awkward. Do I say, "Yep, you are right!" before I've ever even held a child of my own to know if I want anymore?
This comment usually gets the polite nod and smile response.

#3: "You are going to get ginormous!" and "How are you going to get any bigger?"
These are actually quotes from a co-worker. I literally just had nothing to say in response. Maybe, " Um, thanks. I've always wanted to be huge." - said no woman ever.
I try and dismiss these remarks to her age (23), but I'm pretty sure if I get another comment out of her my response may be, " Yeah, I still weigh less than you though."
(Ok, I wouldn't say that, but I will be thinking it!)

#2: What are their names??
When it comes to naming your child, EVERYONE has an opinion. When you are having twins, the questions just keep coming.
"Will their names rhyme?"
"Will they start with the same letter?"
When someone says they don't know their names, they either A. don't want you to share this information or B. aren't 100% sure of the name. This isn't a cue to give suggestions. Instead, take the hint that they might not want to share every detail of their pregnancy and have something they can keep to themselves until their children are born.

#1: "Are you eating for three?!"
When you are pregnant with twins, it suddenly becomes everyone's business how much or how little you are eating. If I have a plate of food, it's a spectacle.
"Oh yeah, you need to be eating all that, I mean, you're eating for three!"
"Aren't you going back for seconds?"
"Of course you would order that.."
I am very much looking forward to eating my meals like a normal human again, not a baby making factory.

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