Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2014 in Review... Part Two

In 2014 in Review, Part 1, I reviewed part of 2014 goals to see how I did. Here's the rest of my 2014 goals.

Spiritual Goals

1. Attend church weekly
We struggled with this goal most of the year, but have recently made a much better effort to attend church weekly. Giving is one of our main goals for 2015 and we recently started with giving to our church. We want to raise our girls in the church and are trying to develop the habit now. Again, stay tuned for progress.
2. Nightly devotional with hubby: (5 nights a week)
The iPhones win again! Usually by the time we are in bed for the night we are exhausted and drained. We will read a little or decompress by checking out Instagram or Facebook. This goal needs to be revamped for 2015, especially considering how drained we will be come May with our newborns!
Personal Growth
1. Read 2 new Leadership books a month (24 in 2014)

Here's a list of the books I read in 2014 (that I can remember):
- Total Money Makeover
- The Millionaire Next Door
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad
- Many, many twin books

My goal in 2015 is to read one book a month that focuses on personal finances, parenting, marriage, or personal growth.

2. Volunteer once a month
I had a humbling experience volunteering at Gleaner's food bank last year. I also volunteered at a Dave Ramsey event in April that took me out of my comfort zone while allowing me to experience a great event for free... plus dinner!
I didn't volunteer every month, but want to continue to look for ways to volunteer my time to help others.

3. Make someones day, everyday.
I continue to strive to do this daily. If your focus is on what you can do for others, this will be easy...remembering to focus on others daily is the hard part.

 Budget Goals:
1. Hit our budget/debt payment goal every month

After getting slightly off track during the months of listing our home, purchasing a new home, moving, finding out we were pregnant, a promotion at work for me, etc... we got back on track with our budget! Every month we sit down and write out a zero based budget so we know exactly how much we will spend before the month even begins. We were able to pay off over $40,000 in debt in 2014 which included all of our student loans! We have about a year left of our debt snowball (paying off both vehicles) and can't wait to be debt free! :) 

2. Use envelope system
After paying off my studen loan, we got off our envelope system for a couple months, but got back on track in September. The only problem we kept running into was not having the evelopes on us when we would make an unexpected stop and ended up using our debit card.  We purchased the home edition of Financial Peace University which included an envelope system. I just started using this system in January and I LOVE it! It looks like a cute wallet, but has an envelope for every category you would need.. and more! I keep it in my purse and always have it on me.
I'm still working on my goals for 2015 and will be blogging soon about these goals! Look for a pregnancy Week 22 update soon!

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